Certified Phone Repair & Data Recovery Mail-In Service
Over 15 Years of Professional Experience and 6000+
PayPal 0% Financing


Here you will find a lot of interesting information about cell phone repair & data recovery
Apple Independent Repair Provider
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RESQ Data & Repair
Data resque
Ist ein iPhone wirklich wasserdicht? 💦
Ist ein iPhone wirklich wasserdicht? Der Mythos der IP-Schutzklassifizierung.
RESQ Data & Repair
So bringst Du Dein iPhone in den Recovery Modus 🆘
So versetzt Du Dein iPhone in den Recovery-Modus
RESQ Data & Repair
Data resque
iPhone defekt - Daten wichtig - So rettet man die Daten!
iPhone defekt - Daten retten
RESQ Data & Repair
Data resque
Handy Datenrettung nach Wasserschaden 💧 - 100% Erfolgsquote
Handy (iPhone, Smartphone) Datenrettung nach Wasserschaden
RESQ Data & Repair
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Jetzt Daten retten 📀 - Später bezahlen 💰
Bei uns kannst Du Deine Datenrettung später bezahlen oder finanzieren!
RESQ Data & Repair
Data resque
So rettet man die Daten an einem iPhone oder iPad mit Fehler 14
iPhone Datenrettung bei Fehler 14
RESQ Data & Repair
Data resque
iPhone deaktiviert - Daten retten
iPhone deaktivierten? Wir retten Eure Daten!
RESQ Data & Repair
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iPhone Datenrettung ohne Backup 📴
So rettest Du Deine iPhone Daten ohne Backup
RESQ Data & Repair
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iPhone Wasserschaden Datenrettung
iPhone Datenrettung nach Wasserschaden
RESQ Data & Repair
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Smartphone Datenrettung zum Pauschalpreis
Smartphone Datenrettung zum Pauschalpreis
RESQ Data & Repair
Data resque
iPhone oder iPad mit Fehler 4013
iPhone oder iPad mit Fehler 4013
RESQ Data & Repair
Data resque
Smartphone Wasserschaden Fotos retten
Wir retten alle Inhalte von Deinem Smartphone mit Wasserschaden
Youtube - Channel
Visit our Youtube - Channel

We show you a large number of repairs in live mode on our YouTube channel. From simple repairs in which components are replaced to forensic data recovery. We look forward to your visit on our YouTube channel.

We also regularly present interesting content on Instagram. Please visit us on our profile and follow our work there.

Youtube Channel Instagram Channel
Cooperate with us

If you have further questions about a cooperation with us, you are welcome to write us an email at any time. We answer them quickly and reliably and are available to answer any questions you may have. We are already looking forward to becoming your professional partner in the background.

In our specialist workshop, we work with the latest and highest quality hardware in the SMD area and we are constantly trained to keep our finger on the pulse. We live to repair your microelectronic damage. We guarantee the fastest throughput times. Your incoming damage will be processed within 24 hours. After submitting the cost estimate, we only need your approval.

We offer the outward shipping very easily and free of charge for you via DHL, the return shipment is handled by UPS. The dispatch takes place in special membrane packaging, whereby your device is optimally protected during the transport.

Many Thanks!
We have received your estimate and you should have received a confirmation email. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Phone support
Phone support

If you have any questions about repairs, prices or general questions, just contact us.

How to contact us:
Mo. - Fr. from 10.00 am - 5.00 pm
Saturday from 10.00 am - 2.00 pm

0 68 42 / 70 81 529